Rabu, 29 April 2015


Raja Ampat is a fraction Sorong, since 2003. District has 31,000 inhabitants has 610 islands (only 35 islands are inhabited) with an area of ​​about 46,000 km2, but only 6,000 km2 of land, 40,000 km2 sea again. The islands are unspoiled and the sea is still beautiful make direct tourists hooked. They seemed to want to explore the waters at the "Bird's Head" island of Papua.

Raja Ampat is an underwater expedition world and is one of the 10 best waters for diving sites around the world. In fact, it may also be recognized as number one for the completeness of underwater flora and fauna at the moment.


If you are flying from Jakarta, which took 6 hours flight from Sorong and stopped in Manado. Alternatively, you can take a tour of diving in Bali and fly from there. Sorong just like any other city where you can get almost everything here, although the price is more expensive because of its remote location.


October or November is a good time to visit the Raja Ampat because the sea is calm and perfect for diving and photos.
Bring the camera underwater or waterproof wrapping a special camera. Use your underwater photography skills for taking photos under the sea is not easy but also a regret if it is passed.
Bring sunblock, sunscreen, and hats, shirts also convenient for beach weather.



The food provided by the organizer diving, ranging from international to traditional food menu created directly by the local community. Typically, there are various kinds of seafood. Try to taste yellow fish soup which is a typical food of the island.


Many divers say that the best souvenirs of Raja Ampat is the story of your experience while visiting Raja Ampat. Surely this by showing the catch good photo. However, if not, to keep friends and family entertained then you need to give them a gift that can be purchased as:

Asmat sculpture
Traditional fabrics
Traditional musical instruments

These goods are usually sold in souvenir shops in various cities in Papua. This will ease the burden on you not to bring too many souvenirs of Raja Ampat. You can also buy handicrafts woven in Arborek if happen to visit the village in Raja Ampat

Cheap tricks to Raja Ampat
 For those of you ,who missed want to enjoy the beauty of the waters of Raja Ampat at low cost, there Are Some tips or tricks that have been collected. Cheapest transport to Raja Ampat by use of air transport is more efficient and faster, but the problem is quite expensive price of about 5 million rupiah , but it can be overcome by finding cheap tickets to Raja Ampat no promo ticket fitting. But if you want a cheap price and schedule can definitely be taking a ship from Tanjung Priok Jakarta to Sorong in West Papua. Then continue the journey by boat again or ride motorcycles to Raja Ampat Rates Pelni Class Ship Tours to Sorong (Raja Ampat) The first solution you can go to Raja Ampat by boat Pelni Class Travel, Airfares as follows, Travel Class Adult fare: Rp. 930,000, Children: Rp. 703,000, Baby: Rp. 102.000. Marine Economy class fares to Sorong (Raja Ampat) If you find a cheaper again could rise Economy Class. Adult fare as follows: Rp. 748 000, Children: Rp. 566 500, and rates Toys: Rp. 84,000, Rates Ship Class 2B to Sorong (Raja Ampat) If you are looking for a somewhat decent facilities can either buy tickets 2B class. Adult following rates: Rp. 1.512 million, Children: Rp. 1.1395 million, and Babies: Rp. 160 500. Class 1A ship rates to Sorong (Raja Ampat) If you are looking for comfortable with the best facilities could increase class 1A, adult rates are as follows: Rp. 2.9585 million, Children: Rp. 2.2245 million, and Babies: Rp. 305,000, How to Go from Sorong Raja Ampat next so until the Port of Sorong, the first alternative you can continue the trip again with a fast boat to the Port Maisai. approximately Rp 120 thousand. If you do not want complicated can alternatively use the services of travel but usually the price could be more expensive. Motorcycle taxi ride from Sorong to Waisai Raja Ampat If you still want a cheaper price could again ride motorcycles, priced at about Rp 75 to Rp 100 thousand depending on your smart clever bid Cheap Accommodation in Raja Ampat, If you want a cheap lodging actual population Waisai around Raja Ampat often offer his house to be used as lodging. There applies bargaining. do not trigger accept their offer before seeing the condition of the house offered by the locals. Check out the room if you are comfortable with the new facility to pay. Fuss if the house had offered a bit far from the location we normally would hesitate to reject them, because it was far away they take you to their house alternative options if you want the room can certainly be a recommendation from other readers you can stay at the Hotel Maras Risen, The rooms are clean, 2-star hotel opened low room rates start from Rp 371 901. in Raja Ampat can order online, the following address Hotel Maras Risen arfan Road, Raja

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