Kamis, 07 Mei 2015


Single Gunung existence Pok Beach offers one of the beautiful panorama of the sea from the many tourist beaches in Gunung Kidul, such as Indrayanti Beach, Beach Baron, and Jogan Beach.
If the beach Jogan identical with the magic waterfall, then Pok Single Coast is an iconic beach resort where there is one tree that grows leafy Duras right on the beach and became an icon of the Single Pok Beach.
The beauty of dozens of beaches that stretch along the coast of Gunung Yogyakarta seems to be a paradise hidden behind a cluster of limestone hills that is synonymous with Gunung region.

Pantai Pok Tunggal GunungkidulThe journey from the city center to the beach Single Gunung Pok is quite thrilling, especially after passing Wonosari towards the beach location.

In the last two kilometers ahead of the location, the street is quite difficult, narrow, more twists, and even tends to steep. Occasional adrenaline will be encouraged when crossing the streets cornering sharply with a large boulder jutting just above the head. Indeed landscape still looks very natural.
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Pohon Duras di Pantai Pok Tunggal GunungkidulMyth Tree Duras in Pok Beach Single
You will indeed come a long way tiring in order to arrive at this beach Single Pok. But know that the sense of fatigue and tired as completely paid off by the beauty of scenery as far as the eye could see the horizon in the tourist area of ​​Gunung this one.
The extent of white sand that occasionally swept blue waves crashing quiet as an efficacious antidote to tiredness which then brings us late in the atmosphere is so peaceful. Away mileage, steep and winding streets immediately be forgotten and in a flash to fill happiness in your heart when enjoying the panoramic view of the beach.r

Kegiatan wisatawan di Pantai Pok Tunggal

Right on the waterfront sturdy tree stand Duras who later became an icon Pok Beaches Single Gunung this. This is the only tree (single tree) that supposedly inspired the naming of this beach becomes Pok Single, which means "Single tree". Duras fairly shady tree, but the tree is said by local people is very difficult to grow.
Therefore, when the trees flourish, then its existence is maintained by local communities. Fertility Duras tree is believed to be a symbol of prosperity locals. So, you should not try to climb the tree because it would have got a reprimand from the surrounding area were watching her.
Single Pok Beach address: Tepus Village, District Tepus, Kab. Gunung Kidul, YogyakartaLocation map: click hereGPS Coordinates: -8.155144,110.621334High cliffs on the beach Pok Single Gunung
Single Pok Beach Gunung charm actually lies in the high cliffs that line up parallel to the coast and looks sturdy shield from the outside world. Cliff standing upright with a height of up to 50 meters is actually the potential to be developed into an arena rock climbing.Tourist activities in Pok Beach Single
Tourist activities in Pok Beach Single
Among the cliffs are scattered around the beach Single Pok, you still can find a variety of wild primates that live there. Some of them are a group of wild monkeys who occasionally seen leaping between the cliffs on the east coast.
Single Pok Beach there is also a fresh water springs. Spring is likely sourced from the underground river that has become the hallmark of the hill karst region. These springs are then used local residents to meet their daily needs, especially those open stalls in coastal areas as well as for the purposes of a public bathroom that is the result of non-locals.Sunset on the Beach Single Pok Gunung
This was the moment the most sought after among connoisseurs of many trips, the sunset at Beach Single Gunung Pok. Is a thing that feels less if you are to miss a moment to enjoy the sunset on the beach Jogja this one.Dusk at Pok Beach Single

Senja di Pantai Pok TunggalAdditionally, in the coastal areas are also suitable as a place for camping or camping. This taste will be a memorable experience to spend the night in a tent while enjoying the rush of wind and waves punctuated the night. In fact, there are also rental dome tents provided by local residents for those who really want to spend the night in this Single Pok Coast region.
If you intend to return after enjoying the sunset there, then you have to be extra careful because the road that must be passed is extremely minimal lighting. Narrow streets, steep, winding, and rocky is risk of danger should you bear.Camping at the beach Pok Single
Camping at the beach Pok Single
Single Pok beach is a true attraction of Gunung beaches can be developed into a popular tourist destination considering the beauty of the panorama is fascinating. Some fundamental things that need to be presented with better, for example the addition of lighting, lodging, or restaurant. The beach is located at the position between Indrayanti Beach and Siung is one of a row of beach tourism in Gunung which offers an abundance of charm for anyone who visit it.Single Pok Beach Hotel in Gunung
You can search for hotel or inn near Gunung Single Pok online to ensure room availability. One of the popular online booking is AGODA.

A trip to the beach Pok Single
Single Pok beach located in the district of Gunung Tepus. You will take a trip for about 2.5 hours from the city center to be able to arrive at this beach location.
Here is the route to the location oantai from the city center:
Yogyakarta >> Imogiri >> Bake >> Jln. Saptosari >> Tepus >> (follow directions to the Baron) >> Before the T-junction turn left towards Baron Beach Indrayanti Coast >> Up-junction turn left Indrayanti Coastal Region (follow the paved road) >> Retribution Heading >> see nameplate and directions "POK BEACH SINGLE" >> follow the road Cor Blok (the stone) >> Pok Beach Single (see Trees Duras right side of the driveway)

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