Senin, 27 April 2015


Dieng as the land above the sky when the moon kemaru in mid-AugustHave you ever Dieng? Have you found Dieng land above the clouds? One interesting phenomenon while visiting the country this resides the Gods when we can see the natural wonder that is as thick clouds sea of ​​clouds at the foot of the mighty mountains around the area Dieng. No wonder Dieng is famous in the country dubbed as above the clouds.


When will we be able to witness the phenomenon of land above the clouds? There are several options in time to witness this rare natural phenomenon. This will be a rare moment in the can when sunrise arrives precisely in the morning before the sun break the clumps of clouds were hovering.
Landscape Dieng land above the clouds when sunrise arrives, the location in the village of White Wadas Kejajar to come to Dieng Plateau in all seasons.wet good season and dry season. Clouds of both this season was different. Usually during the dry season blob sea of ​​clouds look not too thick but during the rainy season just the opposite.You can watch the natural phenomenon Dieng as the land above the clouds from the hilltop Sikunir, boat mountain peaks, Mountaintop Pakuwojo, relay Pandang Tieng even from the White Wadas village (village after the relay Pandang Tieng).

This rare phenomenon can be seen from the top of Mount Sikunir famous for the Golden sunrisenya.Not every day you can witness this phenomenon, of course also depends on the weather and time. While visiting Dieng in the dry season, be prepared to prepare a thick sweater because the temperature is minus. Besides being able to watch the land above the clouds Dieng You can also see Dieng in freezing at this moment dew upas you can touch in the courtyard around the temple complex Arjuna Dieng Dieng or village.Welcome berbetualang to Dieng, Dieng will present a different atmosphere full of beauty as well as other unique phenomen

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