Kamis, 07 Mei 2015


Floating market is a place where you will see or move directly on the market the river by boat. The floating market is located in Banjarmasin precisely at the junction of the Kuin and Barito River. Floating market in Singapore is a reflection of the culture of the Banjar that have taken place long ago.
Hasil gambar untuk pasar terapung banjarmasinIn South Kalimantan, there are hundreds of rivers become an important transport pathway until now. Tourist attractions also rests on the river, such as the floating market in Banjarmasin Muara Kuin this. As the sun rises visit this market that reflects light in the early morning between transaction vegetables and garden produce from the villages along the Barito River and its tributaries.
Muara Kuin Floating Market is a traditional floating market which is above the Barito river estuary Kuin, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Traders and buyers using boats, boat designations in Banjar language. This market began after dawn prayers until after 9am. The specialty in this market is still in frequent barter transactions between traders boating in Banjar language called bapanduk. Traders women (hamlet) that boating sells his own produce, while the second hand purchase from the hamlet for resale called panyambangan.
Banjarmasin as the capital of the province is the center of commerce and tourism. Banjarmasin city got the nickname City of Water due to the location of the land is a few centimeters below the sea surface. Banjarmasin city, has an area of ​​about 72 km per side, or about 0.22 percent of the area of ​​South Kalimantan. The city is split by the river Martapura provide distinctive characteristic of the lives of its people, especially the use of the river as a means of water transport, trade and tourism. In addition to the floating market in Muara Kuin Banjarmasin, other floating market is that you can encounter in the Lok Baintan which is above the River Martapura.

Hasil gambar untuk pasar terapung banjarmasinIn 1526 Sultan Suriansyah establish a kingdom Kuin and Barito river bank which then became the forerunner of the city of Banjarmasin. On the banks of this river that originally lasted developing traditional trade center. Merchants using a small boat made of wood. These traders are mostly women who wear distinctive wide Tanggui and Banjar hat made of leaves Rumbi
 ou can enjoy a panoramic view of the floating market along with the lives of people who live along the banks of the river with the typical rural atmosphere Banjar. Come early in the morning to look busy so that a special experience. Floating Market is located at the mouth of the estuary of the river Kuin Kuin the Barito River and began beating its activities after dawn until around 9am. Here, merchants and shoppers to use a boat called boats or motor boats water called kelotok.
Hasil gambar untuk pasar terapung banjarmasinA time your trip stop here and feel the atmosphere of this floating market. You can see various types of merchandise such as vegetables, fruits, fresh fish, crops, to culinary and snack. You can rent a boat catamarans are many located on the banks of the river. The cost of rent Rp60.000,00 you can go around the river or participate transaction. Can also use a motor boat or raft water with rents ranging from Rp50.000,00-Rp70.000,00 depending on the number of passengers

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