Selasa, 28 April 2015


Do not say you've been to East Java when it has not set foot in this beautiful volcano. Mount Bromo in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is unique with sea sand area of ​​5250 hectares at an altitude of 2392 m above sea level. You can horseback riding and climbing Mount Bromo through the stairs and see the sun rise. Look at how the captivating charm of the Sun at sunrise and sunset will be a deep personal experience when you see it in person

Mount Bromo is derived from the word Brahma (one of the Hindu Gods). Bromo volcano is still active and well-known as a tourist icon of East Java. The mountain is not as big as other volcanoes in Indonesia, but has spectacular scenery and dramatic. Exceptional beauty make tourists who visit it will be amazed

From the summit of Mount Penanjakan at an altitude of 2,770 m, tourists from around the world come to see the sunrise Mount Bromo. The scenery is amazing and you will hear only the sound of camera shots of tourists when capturing moments that can not be obtained elsewhere. Currently very unusual sunrise where you'll see the foreground of Mount Semeru which emits smoke in the distance and the sun shining brightly up into the sky.
Enjoy the vast expanse of ocean sand, watching the towering grandeur of Mount Semeru reaching for the sky, and stare at the beauty of the Sun went out of horizon or otherwise enjoying the twilight of the ridge Bromo is Takan memorable experience when visited Bromo.

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