Kamis, 30 April 2015


The natural beauty of Indonesia does not seem to be endless. Almost across the Indonesian island even widespread in every inch of the area storing the beauty and merits of its own. Included with the natural beauty that is in Nusa Tenggara Timur, particularly the island of Flores. In addition to a variety of beautiful natural attractions and amazing that exist on this island, one of which is Kelimutu. Flores name is taken from the word 'keli' which means mountain, and the 'quality' which means to boil. One of the privileges of the mountain Kelimutu is the colorful lakes that exist in this Kelimutu mountain peaks. locals believe that the colors that exist in different colors at the mountain lake Flores has means each with a very powerful force of nature.
Lake Three Colors


Regions Flores on February 26, 1992 has been determined to be a National Natural Conservation Area. With a height that reaches 1,640 m, the mountain Flores has three crater, named Lake Flores which was at its peak. The three-colored lakes have different names and different colors. Amazing, is not it? Tiwu lake called Nuwa Muri Koo Fai is a gathering place for young souls who have died. Then the lake red or green, respectively, called Ata Polo Tiwu gathering place for souls who have died who committed crimes during his lifetime. As well, Tiwu Ata Mbupu or mostly blue lake is a gathering place for the souls of parents who have died.
To be able to enjoy and feel the sensation of being at the top of the mountain Flores and see the beauty of the lake three colors, a very good time or the right time to see the beauty is in the morning. because, in the afternoon or evening, lakes of the region are also covered in a white fog that sufficient blocking your view. That is why the tourists who want to see the sights and visit the lake three colors are staying overnight in the village of Moni, for further early in the morning to travel to the top of the mountain Kelimutu. But you do not worry, 20 homestay and several cottages available to stay and

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