Kuda Lumping dance dance came from the island of Java. This dance also called braid or jathilan distance. Lumping horse is a traditional Javanese dance featuring sekompok soldiers who were on horseback. This dance uses rocking horses made of buffalo leather or cowhide that has been dried (tanned) and some are made of woven bamboo is then given motif or decoration and designed like a horse. In addition kuda lumping also synonymous with magical things.
Dance kuda lumping showing scenes hussar, but there are also attractions in appearance trance, immunity, and magical powers, such as glass-consuming attraction and immunity to flogging whip.
Imitation horse used in the dance kuda lumping hair decorated imitation of plastic straps or the like that is in a bun or braid, so that the Javanese people call it a horse braid.
History of Dance Kuda Lumping
Very difficult to find the source of recorded history that explains the origin of this dance, only of folklore handed down from generation to kegenarasi. But there are two folklore successful writer can, namely:
Version 1That dance kuda lumping depicts the story of a beautiful young troops title Jathil white-haired horseman gold, gold tail, and has a gold wings that help battle royal Bantarangin against the forces of royal boar riders Lodaya on serial legend reyog 8th century.
Version 2Kuda Lumping art came from the area of East Java Ponorogo. According to a legend, King Ponorogo always fighting a losing battle. The king was sad and depressed. Eventually he went to a hermitage. While khusu-especially beg the gods Jawata Marasanga, he was startled by the sound tankatingalan. The sound was turned out wangsit of the Jawata. Contents if the king wants to win the war, he had to prepare an army of horsemen. When going into battle, the horse prajuritpenunggang was accompanied by the "bande" and Rawe-Rawe.
That said, bande and-Rawe Rawe it inspires zeal blindly among the soldiers horsemen. When fighting them drunk unconscious but with a spirit of tremendous courage to attack enemies. Thus in every war the soldiers engaged in keadaankalap and decapitate enemies with a formidable force. Finally. army King always gained the victory.
In honor of the god giver wangsit and commemorate victories then worship ceremony is held every year to treat a dance event riding piggyback depicting heroism, as a procession of horsemen warriors crazy and attacked his enemies. The next dance was riding piggyback turned into an art that is popular with the public. The dance was later named Kuda Lumping.
Dance kuda lumping reflect the spirit of heroism and military aspects of a cavalry or cavalry. It is seen from movements rhythmic, dynamic, and aggressive, with the flick of woven bamboo, mimicking the movement like a horse in the middle of a war.
In East Java there are in some areas, such as latrines, under bridges, railroads, and other areas. And like the other dances in Indonesia kuda lumping usually displayed at the event-specific event, like a welcome guest of honor, and as thanksgiving, on lavatory granted by the Almighty.
In pementasanya, dance kuda lumping using glass, glass, stone, and amulets. Traditional arts lumping horse is often also contains elements of ritual. Because before the show begins, usually a rain handler would perform rituals, to maintain in order to remain sunny weather considering the show is usually done in the open field.
Kuda Lumping dance type
Thek jaranan Ponorogo
Jaranan Kediri, Kediri
Jaranan Sentherewe, Tulungagung
Jaranan Turonggo Yakso, Terri
Jaranan Buto, banyuwangi
Jaranan Dor, Jombang
Sang Hyang Jaran, Bali
Jathilan Dipenogoro, Yogyakarta and Central Java
Jathilan Hamengkubuwono, Yogyakarta and Central Java
Dance performances Kuda Lumping
In the play, dance kuda lumping presents four fragments of dance that is 2 times Buto dance Lawas, Senterewe dance, and dance Begon Princess.
At Buto Lawas fragments, usually danced by men only and consist of 4 to 6 dancers. Several young dancers and woven bamboo horse dance to the music. In this section, the dancers Buto Lawas may experience trance or possessed by spirits. The audience was not immune from this phenomenon possessed. Many local residents who witnessed the performances into a trance and danced along with the dancers. Unconscious, they continued to dance with energetic movements and looks compact with the other dancers.
To restore awareness of the dancers and the audience who possessed, in every single show is always present the Warok, ie people who have supernatural abilities whose presence can be identified by a red striped shirt in black with a thick mustache. The Warok This will provide an antidote to the dancers and audience awareness recovered.
In the next fragment, male and female dancers join the dance brought senterewe.
In the last fragment, with movements more relaxed, six women brought Begon daughter dance, which is a dance cover of a whole series of attractions of dance kuda lumping
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