Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015


         Bunaken National Marine Park is located in the bay of Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Tourist attractions in Manado is famous for its underwater beauty of the world. Explore the underwater beauty of Bunaken national park is one activity that you must do when visiting Manado.

1. Transportation To Bunaken2. Rates Ship To Bunaken3. Admission prices to Bunaken4. Spot Diving in Bunaken5. To Bunaken Travel Guides

Bunaken is one of five island is located in the national park Bunaken, four other islands, namely Pulau Siladen, Manado Tua Island, Island and Island Matehage Naen. Bunaken marine park is one of the main tourism attractions Manado. Here you can see the beauty of the coral reefs are still maintained and various species of fish that live under the sea Bunaken.

Bunaken National Marine ParkDiving in Bunaken
Bunaken National Marine Park is the first marine park in the world which was founded in 1991 and has been named as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 2005. Tourist attractions in Manado is one of the best dive sites in Indonesia, it should be of Indonesian and foreign tourists who visit here still preserving its natural with no polluting or damaging this marine park.

Transportation To Bunaken
To get to the Bunaken marine park, you can through Manado Harbour, Marina Nusantara Diving Centre (NDC) and the Marina Blue Banter. From the port of Manado to Bunaken Island takes approximately 30-45 minutes, from NDC to dive Bunaken Island takes approximately 20 minutes, while the Marina Blue Banter to Bunaken Island using the cruise ship / ferry journey around 10-20 minutes ,
Rates Ship To Bunaken

To ship rates to Bunaken, you can rent a boat from two places, namely Market Bersehati or Marina, rent a boat from the Market Bersehati to Bunaken tariff ranging between Rp 300,000 - Rp 400,000. Whereas if the tariff Marina around Rp 600,000 - Rp 800,000. Or if you want a cheaper could using traditional boat for Rp 50,000 per person.
Admission prices Bunaken
To enter this tourist area you have to buy tickets, the price of admission Bunaken Island neighborhood around Rp. 25.000 - Rp. 50,000 you can buy in Manado or directly in Bunaken National Park.
Spot dives Bunaken
According to the website of Indonesian tourism, spot / point dive (diving) best Bunaken are in the following locations:

Wall Lekuan I, II, III
Tanjung Kopi
The face of the Church
Peak barracuda
Bunaken Timor
Ships ruins in Manado

Travel Tips To Bunaken
For those of you who want to travel to Bunaken you should look for information in advance the places where you want to go in Bunaken, Bunaken lest when you do not know the dive sites or sites that are here.
For budget you should bring the budget more because any time to change rates, before boarding the better you ask in advance about the details of the facilities provided by the vessel, such as whether to hire a guide for diving, should have a diving certificate, insurance or other -other you want to do and you need in Bunaken.
Better you shared your relatives who've been to Bunaken, join the group or use a travel agent that provides a package / travel tour Bunaken available. All this of course for your convenience in traveling to Bunaken

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