Kamis, 07 Mei 2015


Aceh is a province of Indonesia, located in the northern part of the island of Sumatra and is the westernmost province of Indonesia. No harm you been to Aceh to traveled here because Aceh has several tourist attractions that are not less beautiful places in Indonesia travel more. Here are some places in Aceh tour you can visit
Pulau Weh Aceh

Weh island has beautiful scenery and yet so touched therefore natural atmosphere is still very beautiful and natural. The diving will be a pleasant tourist activities here you can find an amazing variety of marine animals. Read More
Mount Leuser National Park
This national park is located in two provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra. Here you can explore this park and see a variety of wildlife such as orangutans there, rhino, elephant. In addition you can also climb up to the peak of Mount Leuser which takes 10-14 days.
Great Mosque Baiturrahman

Maybe you are already familiar with the name of this mosque, the mosque was once used as a place of refuge for the people of Aceh when the tsunami struck in 2004. Here you can wander around the mosque or prayed for the Muslim religion. In addition you can also visit the market which is behind the mosque is to buy items of interest.
Alas River

Alas River is a river located in the area of ​​Gunung Leuser National Park. The water flows directly into the Indian Ocean here you can enjoy rafting tour while enjoying the beautiful scenery around him.

Sabang is composed of five islands, namely the island of nuns, Seulako island, island rondo, Klah islands and island weh as the largest island. The sabang you can find some interesting sights such as the monument zero kilometer, coast waterfalls and other interesting sights.
Aceh Tsunami Museum

If you like to visit the museum you can visit Tsunami Museum, Museum was built to commemorate the tsunami that struck Aceh in 2004.
Indra fortress Patra Aceh

This fort is the first Hindu kingdom forts in Aceh, here you can see the 4 pieces of the fort that two of them still standing and two more were in ruins. If you want to see the relics when the kingdom once you can mngunjungi this fort.
City Tapaktuan

The city is also known as the city of the dragon that comes from the legend that is passed down from generation to generation. In the city you can visit the beach Tapaktuan in Tapaktuan and waterfalls that exist in Tapaktuan and other tours.
Kilometre Zero monument

Kilometre Zero monument is located in the forest area of ​​Sabang. Besides being a geographic marker Kilometre Zero monument is also a tourist spot. In place of this tour you can see the long-tailed macaque and stunning natural scenery around the monument

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