Rabu, 06 Mei 2015



Enjoying Beautiful View of Mount Rinjani

Visiting Lombok won’t be complete without visiting mount rinjani. This mountain is the second highest mountain in Indonesia after Mount Kerinci in Sumatera. Due to its height Mount Rinjani dominates the landscape in Lombok and it offers a beautiful view to enjoy. Since it’s an active volcano it has crater on it and Segara Anak or “Child of the Sea” is an eminent crater that many tourists want to visit. If you want to enjoy the view on its peak you need to climb the mountain at night so you can enjoy the sunrise in the morning. Almost all parts of the mountain consist of forested area with volcanic rocks. It’s little extreme route to climb but if you reach its peak you’ll be able to see Bali and Sumbawa
Because mount rinjani is located in Indonesia with tropical season it influences the flora and fauna live in this area. In the lower forests, you’ll find fig tress like Syzigium Jambu and Engelhardia Bak Bakan. In the higher land you can see casuarina woodland that offers an epic view. Because Lombok is located in the transitional Wallace Line, the fauna is influenced by Australasian area. Some birds are found in Lombok like green hanging parrots, honeyeaters, cockatoos, and tailor-birds. Moreover, you can find Bali monkey in the crater rim as well as deer and muntjacs are living there.
Most tourists will reach the north part of mount rinjani when first they come. Senaru village is the entering gate to Mount Rinjani and it’s only 600 meters from the mountain. You also can reach this mountain from the west coast that’s from Senggigi or from the eastern part you can enter from Sembalun Lawang but it’s rather far from this area to the mountain area. To enter Mount Rinjani park you need to spend Rp. 150,000,-. That amount of money are not only for the national park authority but also for the Rinjani ecotourism trekking program and for trek route maintenance.
mount rinjani map
Mount Rinjani Map – RinjaniNationalPark.com
The best time to visit mount rinjani is during April to November since there’s no rain during those times so the trekking routes will dry. During the global warming you might find heavy rain during those months so you need to prepare a rain coat if you climb the mountain in those times. In addition, preparing warm clothes is also important since it’ll be very cold in the peak but a beautiful view will make you forget the cold.
Hotels and Cottages in Lombok
For more information visit rinjaninationalpark.com

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