Minggu, 03 Mei 2015


Indonesia is famous for its cultural diversity, flora and fauna. Similarly, the food, Indonesia is a haven for the culinary connoisseur cause infinite number of typical Indonesian food unappetizing to serve favorite dishes. But besides the typical food of the 'ordinary' alone, it appears that Indonesia also save the culinary treasures that felt strange and extreme and can only be found in certain areas only.The following extreme food typical of Indonesia, among others:

Sago can be found at the sago tree is dead there is also in the coconut trees that have died. Actually sago is a change before they become beetles. Usually be eaten raw as herbal and tonic, typical of Papua or NTB
    Bothok Wasps

Bothok is Javanese food that was originally made from pulp / coconut cake which has taken the juice (coconut milk). At first bothok made from coconut pulp is cooked, so that still nourishing coconut pulp is not removed. Therefore coconut pulp is then seasoned with chilli, salt, pepper and bay leaves, wrapped in a banana leaf, which is then steamed in hot steam. Bothok at this time is also modified with banana china, tofu, anchovies, shrimp or even larvae of wasps / bees (known as bothok wasps).
Bothok wasps using basic materials wasp or bee hive. Nothing tastes spicy, sweet and fresh acid. Bothok wasps can still be found in rural areas of eastern Java.

Lawar Bali

Lawar is traditional Balinese food ingredients from pork, pig's blood is still fresh, grated coconut and spices. Lawar was originally used for serving at both ceremonies ceremonies and religious ceremonies, but is now sold as a good meal in the stalls, restaurants, and even luxury hotels in Bali

Rujak Cingur

Yet its shape is clearly visible. Nose hell tuh :). ... True, the above material is the material of salad cingur, typical food city of Surabaya. Cingur is a kind kikil from the nose and mouth cow. Salad cingur very good to eat with peanut chili paste.

Laron peanut brittle

Never know animals clustered fly after the rain stopped, we usually encounter near the front of the house lights. His name moths, the results of the metamorphosis of wood termites. By the locals made peanut brittle materials. Peanut brittle itself is simple cracker made of rice flour with a rich seasoning spices. For those who are accustomed to eating it will be hooked because snagat savory taste, known also Laron very rich in protein. But for those of you who does not yet been tried, do not be surprised if you suddenly become itching due to allergies.

Bats Fry Seasoning

Bats fried spicy soy sauce seasoning sauce, a dish typical of Manado. Perhaps in other areas are also present but with material of fruit bats or codhot.

Caterpillars Sago.

Fried gecko

Used as a herbal medicine for skin diseases problems. Gecko can we find living in the homes, there is also a captive.

Grilled Rat

Wow, this is his name roasted rats, native of Manado has. There are already trying?!?

Juice of Earthworm

Not eaten raw, dried earthworm dioleh with then pulverized so that later can be used as juice. A recipe handed down for drug and child were difficult to eat. Meat proteins in worms is very high benefits.

Chips of Teripang

Food from marine animals such as leeches. Contains high protein. If you are allergic should be avoided.

Fried grasshoppers

Walang fried or fried grasshoppers. These foods can we meet the current season, many local residents sold kidul mountain village.

Biawak sate

Sate of lizard believed to be efficacious for the male virility. If the Java called nyambik, living around the river or lake. Fat lizards used for topical oils and meat for satay.

Snake sate

Sate snake, venom has been removed, so no beracunlah.

Sate of  Horse

Sate horse, ram, like a horse. Worth a try if you dare. Mostly found in the area of ​​Java and Sumbawa. There is also a horse's milk, you know :)

Sate and rica-rica Hedgehog

Animal which has a lot of fur was used as an injection material and satay rica-rica. Trust for asthma and allergy medication skin.

Crocodile sate

We can meet in the area of ​​Sumatra and Kalimantan. Crocodile satay is made of captive crocodiles

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