Jumat, 01 Mei 2015


          Bull Race is a typical event Madurese in the title every year in August or September, and will be in lombakan again in the final at the end of September or October. At Bull Race, there are a jockey and two cows were forced to run as fast as possible to the finish line. The jockey stands interesting sort of timber trains and control the movement of cattle run. Runway path length of approximately 100 meters and takes place within a period of 10 seconds to 1 minute.

In addition to the perlombakan, karapan cow is also a party event folk and tradition that can lift the prestige and social status. For those who wish to follow the race karapan cow, which did not have to spend a little to train and care for the cows who will compete earlier. To form the body of a pair of cows that would come to be healthy and strong races, will cost up to Rp 4 million per pair of cattle for food or other maintenance. Karapan cows are given a variety of herbs and dozens of eggs per day, above all in the arena ahead pitted karapan.
For the people of Madura, Kerapan implemented after a successful harvest rice yields or tobacco. To date, other than as a proud event, bull racing also has a role in various fields. For example in the fields of economics, namely as an opportunity for people to sell, the role of religious magical; eg for specific calculations for the owner of the cows before the game and their mantras. There is a 'witch doctor' who will 'mengusahakan'nya. On each team definitely has a 'shaman' as a team of experts to win the race.
Procession beginning of the races this cow is paraded around the cow pairs racetrack accompanied by gamelan Madura, namely Saronen. The first half is the determination of the group winners and losers. The second half is determining the group winner lost, while the third round is the winner determination to win the group. President of the trophy given to the winner only wins group

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