Jumat, 01 Mei 2015


Andong is one of the traditional transportation in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, such as Solo and Klaten. The existence carriage as one of Java's cultural heritage characterize its own culture, which is still kept dilestarikan.Andong have other designations, such as gig, gig, gig or sado. The difference, have a four-wheel carriage.Andong history starting from the establishment of the Kraton Palace, where the kings of Yogyakarta Mataram or first use this as a tool Transportation Vehicles. Andong is a buggy that can only be used by the nobles, especially the king and his relatives. In the early 19th century until the early 20th century, it became one of the carriage marker of social status of the aristocracy of the palace, which began when Mataram led by Sultan HB VII. When the common people are not allowed to use the carriage. Folk may only use ox cart or buggy (hansom). But when the era of Sultan HB VIII, carriage began to be used by the general public, although it is still limited to traders only.

Because of its very unique and has a high architectural value and visible authority, the people of Yogyakarta Mataram or in the old days creating Andong as a means of transportation. If for the Kings in Yogyakarta or Jogjakarta called Train Kencana, while for the People as Andong.In spite of a motor vehicle which is faster and cheaper, but users Andong in Yogyakarta is still quite a lot. Andong-buggy can be found easily along Malioboro street, Ngasem market, as well as in the town.Andong has not shared keistemewaan today's modern transportation, in addition to environmentally friendly transportation is drawn by a horse

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