Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

Do’s and Don’ts in Indonesia

Do’s and Don’ts in Indonesia

do's and don'ts in indonesia
There are several customs and traditions in Indonesia maybe you don’t know, and it is best for you to know beforehand. Here are the lists for some of do’s and don’ts in Indonesia.  This list is take for general traditions and places. Some places may have a unique traditions than others.
1.  Even though hand shaking is deemed appropriate between men and women, bear in mind that a number of Muslim women prefer to introduce themselves to men by nodding their head, smiling, and clasping their hands without any physical contact.
2. It is considered polite to make a phone call first before visiting.
3.  When greeting someone, Traditionally both hands are used when shaking, without grasping.

4. Shoes must be taken off before entering a house or place of worship like mosques.
5. When eating, receiving or giving something, always use your right hand. Right index finger should not be used to point a place, items or people. Use the right hand thumb and fold the remaining fingers to be more polite.
6. Usually drinks are offered to guests. It is polite to accept.
7. Taking photographs of houses of worships is allowed, however permission should be asked first whenever possible, especially if you want to take pictures of the interior.
8. Most Indonesian Muslims do not consume alcoholic drinks and pork. Hence, the tradition of proposing a toast to honor someone is not generally known.
9. Some places like Bali or Lombok has their own traditions . Make sure you have already know or learn about it.
10. Even Indonesia has many traditional language , most people in Indonesia know Indonesian language so is better to know some of greeting phrases.
11. Dress sufficiently in public places. If you are female, make sure you dress accordingly

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